The Inter­na­tional School of Debrecen (ISD) will be built in Pallag, directly next to the Great Forest. It is built on a 50,000 m² area based on the winning concept of BORD Archi­tect’s Studio. The modern and iconic building provides approx­im­ately 500 students with a 21st century educa­tion on nearly 7,200 m².

The circular building symbol­izes protec­tion, unity and community; and it meets the require­ments of the inter­na­tional trends and thinking. The flex­ib­ility, spacious­ness and trans­par­ency of the interiors ensures the high quality of the pedago­gical program and the essen­tial freedom of the teachers.

Facts and numbers

  • Our client: BORD Építész Stúdió 
  • Archi­tec­ture: BORD Építész Stúdió
  • Area:  7200 m2 
  • Year of design: 2017